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Full Stack Software Engineer

Hi! My name is Audrey Fleming. My skills include: HTML/CSS | Javascript | React | C++ | JSON | Python | PostgreSQL | Node.js | Express | API | MongoDB | Flask | Bootstrap | Material


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Welcome to My Portfolio!

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Mind Mixers is a challenging and interactive Javascript and jQuery game that tests your memory while teaching you how to make classic craft cocktails

GitHub link:

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This is a React-Flask app with full CRUD, user-auth, and one-to-many relationships designed using Semantic UI in a fun, retro design. Post your favorite 90s memory!

GitHub link (frontend):

GitHub link (backend):

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Tasti is a full CRUD Express app utilizing Node.js, Bootstrap,Express Sessions, bcrypt, MongoDB, Mongoose among other technologies to deliver the user a place to store their recipes along with links, images, and notes.

GitHub link:


Tasti App

Food knowledge is the backbone of many families, communities, and cultures lending directly and cumulatively to our happiness and health, across generations. Store your food knowledge with Tasti.

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DEPAC is a user-driven and collaborative interactive database for medicinal, poisonous, and psychoactive plants along with how they are utilized by humans and adopted into culture. This application utilizes the powers of React, Node.js, Materialize, Flask, PostgreSQL, bcrypt, and Peewee. One-to-many and many-to-many relationships are featured through a sleek and engaging user interface.  We’re building this API together!

Github link (front-end):

Github link (back-end):

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Clicking the post takes the user to an engaging “post dashboard” where the plant and it’s uses can be flesh-out further. Did you know that Boswellia Sacra which is commonly known as the Frankincense tree is actually psychoactive when burned? It is b…

Clicking the post takes the user to an engaging “post dashboard” where the plant and it’s uses can be flesh-out further. Did you know that Boswellia Sacra which is commonly known as the Frankincense tree is actually psychoactive when burned? It is being researched as a potential new class of anti-depressants. It also contains Boswellic acids in it’s resin which have proven anti-cancer properties. There are a myriad of uses for Frankincense and all of those uses belong in the database. Boswellia is truly an extraordinary plant!

Full CRUD, favorites and likes functionality, and responsive design. Coming soon… search functionality and full CRUD for profiles!

Full CRUD, favorites and likes functionality, and responsive design. Coming soon… search functionality and full CRUD for profiles!

User auth and one-to-many relationships

User auth and one-to-many relationships